4046 Hartwick Court
Florissant, MO 63034
March 11, 2016
Dear Central Alumni & Friends
The Hayti Central Class Reunion St. Louis Committee has finalized hotel arrangements and enclosed is registration information for the 2016 class reunion. The Class of 1956 is being highlighted as this is our Sixtieth Anniversary reunion group this year, however, this in no way minimizes the fun we have always had in getting together, fellowshipping and in general renewing old memories.
Please use enclosed registration form to send reunion fee, tee-shirt purchase and souvenir booklet ads to us at the above address. Hazel Townes Dalton, Central Class of 58 is producing the Reunion Souvenir Booklet this year. Of course, time is of the essence and she is asking that all entries be received as early as possible but no later than June 1, 2016.
Please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected] or call (314)741-2921 if there are questions. We hope you will make plans to attend as we are looking forward to seeing as many Central High students and family as possible to help us to celebrate this 60th reunion event.
Yours truly,
Rosetta Durden James
July, 15, 16 & 17, 2016
During the 2014 Hayti Central High School Reunion held in Atlanta, Georgia last July, it was agreed that the 2016 reunion would be held in St. Louis, MO. The Class of 1956 will celebrate its 60th year since graduation.
Reunion hotel
Marriott St Louis Airport, 10700 Pear Tree Drive, St. Louis, MO 63034, (314) 423-9700
The following discounted rates are confirmed to Hayti Central High Reunion until midnight 6/15/16:
Single room: $99.00 + (tax & fees) per room night
Double room: $99.00 + (tax & fees) per room night
To make reservations, call Marriott St. Louis (314) 423-9700 and request in-house reservations.
Free airport shuttle (to and from) airport. Hotel parking for Reunion guest (Only) is reduced to $5.00 daily.
Reunion fee
$85.00 per person. T-shirt purchases and souvenir book ads are solicited at additional costs (see enclosed registration form for rates). Please assist the committee by registering early. Souvenir ads and fees are requested by June 1, 2016.
Reunion Activities
Fri., July 15, 2016: Arrival, hospitality room and reunion guest packet pick-up
Sat., July 16, 2016: Morning – continental breakfast, Hayti Central High Class Reunion meeting
Midday – event tours, shopping and visiting
Evening – Banquet, music and dancing
Sun., July 17, 2016: Morning – Breakfast, church of choice, departure
St. Louis Reunion Committee
The St. Louis Committee is truly looking forward to seeing each of you as we renew old acquaintances, make new ones and have a great time reminiscing. If you have questions or need additional travel or lodging information, please feel free to contact either of us at the numbers below.
Rosetta Durden James’56 (314) 741-2921 [email protected]
Pearl Kyles Harris ’55 (314) 261-2691
Charles Johnson’56 (314) 388-2238
Austin Hollins ’57 (314) 521-4s81 [email protected]
Nylon R. Wilson’58 (314) 261-7899 [email protected]
Registration Form
Please complete and return the enclosed registration form with fees to Hayti Central Class Reunion,
c/o Rosetta James, 4046 Hartwick Court, Florissant, MO 63034
July, 15, 16 & 17, 2016
Name:________________________________ Email:________________________________
Address: ___________________________ Home phone: __________________________
City, State
Zip: ___________________________ Cell phone: ____________________________
| | Include | | do not include my email and phone numbers in reunion handout materials
Additional attendees
Name: ______________________________ Name: ________________________________
School Affiliation
Student class of _________, if teacher, class taught _____________ if other, guest of:___________
Registration fees
Total no. registered:_____ @ $ 85.00 each $______________
T-shirts orders: _______ S @ 10.00 each __________ Shirts contain Central
________ M @ 10.00 each __________ lettering, tiger, reunion date & year.
_______ L @ 10.00 each __________
_______ XL @ 10.00 each __________
_______ 2X @ 10.00 each __________
_______ 3X @ 10.00 each __________
Note: All ads will be
. black and white! All
Souvenir Book Ads: Full page 50.00 ___________ ads must be “camera
Half page 25.00 ___________ ready” art or business
Fourth page 13.00 ___________ card
Business card 7.00 ___________
Patron 5.00 name only ___________
Total registration fees enclosed: $==========
Send this form with check or money order payable to Hayti Central Class Reunion addressed to:
Rosetta Durden James (314) 741-2921 Home
4046 Hartwick Court
Florissant, MO 63034
Date: March 11, 2016
To: Classmates, Central High School Alumni, Teachers & Friends
From: Hazel Townes Dalton
Re: Class of 1956 Souvenir Booklet Celebrating 60 Years
A Black & White Souvenir Booklet will be prepared to include:
1. Reunion Itinerary
2. Class of 1956 Updates
3. Updated Hayti Central High School Directory
4. Personal Ad pages
To defray the cost of the reunion, we ask that you purchase personal and/or business ads
1. Full Page Ad : $50.00 NOTE: All Ads will be black and white!
2. Half Page Ad : $25.00 All ads must be “camera ready” art or business cards.
3. Fourth Page Ad :$13.00 If you have questions about art work submission, please
4. Business Card Ad :$7.00 email Hazel Townes Dalton: [email protected].
5, Patron Ad : $5.00/Name only
Please mail Ad Copy and check or money order payable to Hayti Central High School Reunion for
the amount of Ad(s) by June 1. 2016 to the address below:
Hazel Townes Dalton
2330 McKnight Road
Seguin, TX 78115
[email protected]
Update on Hayti Central High School Class of 1956
Please complete with whatever information you would like to share, and return by June 1, 2016. We would like to include this information in the Souvenir Booklet even if you cannot attend the reunion.
Name: ___________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Phone No: _________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Continuing Education: {trade school, college, graduate school, etc.)
Where are you now in your life: (family, work, etc.)
How have you changed?
What goals have been realized?
Anything else you’d like to share (spouse, children, grandchildren, etc.)?
Please complete and send directly to Hazel Towne Dalton, 2330 McKnight, Seguin, TX 78155.
Email: [email protected], before June 1, 2016. Thanks